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The Department of Libraries & Research is charged with the responsibility of providing free library and reading room facilities to the public. This objective is being achieved through a chain of public libraries at division, district, tehsil and block level across Jammu & Kashmir.
Titles on individual subjects, general interest and reference books are made available to visitors and borrowers catering to various age groups and interests.
The Vision of the Department is to attain a state where every person in J&K is an informed citizen by making ensuring easy and swift access to knowledge and information.
1. To promote the culture of reading, writing and research.
2. To provide books and other reading material to different reading interests.
3. To create and promote an atmosphere of research by providing access to books and manuscripts.
4. To create awareness among people about the written word.
5. To preserve manuscripts for posterity and make them available for researchers and scholars.
1. Making available books on different subjects and in different languages at public libraries.
2. Providing newspapers in libraries to keep people abreast with the happenings around the world.
3. Preparing Inventories, Indices, Catalogues and other Reference Media of books and manuscripts available in various libraries of the Department.
4. Holding seminars, debates, book-exhibitions to generate awareness about the written word.
5. Publication of manuscripts in the form of books.
6. Promotion of local languages by purchasing books from local authors.
7. Digitization and archival of manuscripts and rare/reference books.
1. Writers, poets, students and public in general
2. Research Scholars from J&K and outside.
3. All the residents of J&K state as active or potential members of public libraries and as stake-holders in the rich cultural heritage of this state.
4. Citizens with grievances against the Department or any of its libraries.
5. Stakeholders in the promotion of library movement in J&K.